Friday, April 8, 2016

England has a Bigfoot?

In European countries, creatures resembling a Sasquatch seem to be much more scarce than in other parts of the world. Still, the lone report from an English publication in 1800 describes a being of pure terror. The article states a large "Hairy Wild Man" was temporarily caught by a fishing crew approximately 400 miles from Africa's Cape of Good Hope. When a Custom-House Officer attempted to approach the creature closely, it displayed "astonishing muscular strength" by spinning him two or three times at a furious velocity before throwing him overboard. The officer survived and fortunately, so did his story. More after the jump.

From The Mirror:
Could these startling pictures be evidence that Bigfoot is lurking in the British countryside? 
The eerie image appears to show a large shadowy figure looming menacingly behind a tree in a Lincolnshire woods. 
Bigfoot enthusiast Adam Bird, 31, captured the picture while out walking in Friskney nature reserve and said he was stunned to spot the shadowy figure staring back at him from the photo. 
After hearing of previous Bigfoot sightings at the nature reserve, Adam, from Nottingham, ventured into the woodland in search of clues. 
He followed some strange noises and suspiciously large footprints in the woods before capturing what he believes is the mysterious beast on camera.

Adam, co-founder of the British Bigfoot Research organisation, believes the shadowy figure could be the most convincing evidence that it's living in Britain yet.
He said: "My investigators and I were tipped off that this small patch of woodland in Friskney could be a hotspot for Bigfoot beasts.
"There is at least one reported sighting here, so we decided to check it out. 
"We stayed there for a few hours that day and felt watched and followed the whole time.
"I took various photographs throughout the investigation and when I checked back through them I spotted the creepy picture. 
"It looks like a shadowy figure stood within the trees staring at us from afar.
"It shows something dark, a different colour against all that greenery. 
"I make no bold claims but my fellow investigators think this could be genuine evidence that the British Bigfoot exists." 
Although he did not spot the creature at the time he took the photograph, Adam, who has been investigating big foot sightings in the UK for more than two years, is convinced of the creature's existence. 
It was on holiday in Florida, aged 15, when he claims to have first encountered the Sasquatch phenomenon. 
He spotted a large orangutan-like creature with reddish-brown hair crouching in the bushes and has been obsessed with the legend ever since.
You can read more here.

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