Friday, April 8, 2016

Bigfoot's Message for humanity!

Is it possible people are able to communicate with Sasquatch? Some say no. others say yes. Some say Bigfoot can talk to them through what is called "Mind Speak." Some say Bigfoot writes letters in broken up English. We here at The Crypto Blast don't have the answers. So we will pose the question to our readers and let them find their own answers. None-the-less, Kewwaunee Lapseritis' message is true. We need to take care of ourselves and the the world we live in regardless if the message come from a Bigfoot or not. Read more after the jump.

From the following book: "The Sasquatch People and their Interdimenisonal Connection" by Kewwaunee Lapseritis M.S.

The Sasquatch and Ancient Ones want us to stop our moronic behavior and grow emotionally and spiritually mature, so genuine contact can be made. Telepathic communication is the key! They have told me and others that our societal values and actions are like those of children, and they feel like parents, watching the carnage and disrespect toward each other and the environment. For them, this is greatly disconcerting. The beings say we have a lot of intelligence and technology, but little wisdom in our society to apply it in a healthy way. Let's hope we are wise enough to avoid a possible all-out World War III!

The Sasquatch people say that since 2000 they are coming out more and allowing themselves to be seen worldwide. It's no coincidence, because these beings have a psychic network that can communicate to other races of their people anywhere on the globe. They want to sensitize the public and validate that they do indeed exist and are a part of our physical world. They have also repeatedly said that if man continues at the rate of destruction of the biosphere, with our dysfunctional socio-political behavior and blasé attitude toward ecological issues, then all races—including humanity—are doomed. To save the planet is to save ourselves as well as our Sasquatch neighbors. Tibet's Fourteenth Dalai Lama says about our living planet and its occupants, "If you see yourself in others, then who can you harm?"

The Sasquatch will help show us the way, if we would only seek out their wisdom from our hearts, not with a gun or just the intellect. This whole book is born of the Sasquatch's intention to help us. They are the ultimate environmentalists. These giants are the real wisdom-keepers of Mother Earth. They seem to have the ability to "read" or "tap into" the living Earth and its flora and fauna. They can process and synthesize the information on a sophisticated level of intellect way beyond the limits of modern science.

The Sasquatch possess great wisdom that they are willing to share in order to avoid a tragic human-precipitated cataclysm.

But are we ready?

You can buy the book: "The Sasquatch People and their Interdimenisonal Connection" by Kewwaunee Lapseritis

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