Wednesday, November 1, 2017

New Bigfoot Video!

Dr. Jeff Meldrum posted this on his social media: For all you internet sleuths out there, does anyone know anything more about this video clip?


  1. I'd like to see more video.Not much to base an opinion.It is strikingly similar to the Patterson footage. I'm a big fan of Dr.Meldrum,keep up the good work sir.

  2. It definitely has the wow factor like to think Dr. Meldrum for having a open mind!

  3. Mark Anders is a cgi artist. Check out his youtube channel.

  4. Would like to know and see more" looks pretty realistici .

  5. I thought that BF doesn't extend it's leg all the way. I thought the belief is that it always has a bend at the knee when it walks according to the PG film. Am I wrong?
