Want to meet an ET? Here are 10 places aliens like to hang out.
UFOs have been seen around the globe, from remote rural areas to heavily populated cities and military bases. But a handful of places have proved hot spots of alien activity and offer the best chance of having a close encounter. If you're looking for an out-of-this-world experience, put these 10 destinations on your bucket list.
Manitoba, Canda
Our neighbor to the north has been a hotbed of UF0, activity in recent years, with 986 sightings in 2011 and a whopping 1,981 in 2012. Most of those have occurred in Manitoba, which has counted thousands of reports since at least 1792.
The centrally located province first came to ufologists. attention after Stefan Michalak's close encounter with a cigar-shaped craft in 1967. It raised eyebrows again during the summers of 1975 and 1976, when a bright crimson object—dubbed Charlie Red Star—was spotted in the sky near the town of Carman. Area residents continue to report inexplicable nighttime lights in the area.
The Extraterrestrial Highway, Nevada
State officials decided to get in on the fun, and in 1996 they dubbed the roadway the Extraterrestrial Highway. The WWII of Rachel, midway on the road, has become a gathering spot for ufologists and is the last stop before Paradise Ranch.
Los Angeles
They don't call it the City of Angels for nothing. Denizens of L.A. have reported more unearthly visitors than any other place in the U.S. The Battle of Los Angeles in February 1942 is the best-known incident, but many other noteworthy alien episodes have occurred there since. They include a wave of sightings in the Topanga Canyon wilderness on July 14, 1992.
Hundreds of UFOs were seen that night, including one that reportedly lifted a car off the Pacific Coast Highway before gently setting it back down on the road. In Marc 2017, residents in Van Nuys saw several objects fly swiftly and silently in formation through the night sky before disappearing behind a cloud bank.
To read more, purchase "The Ultimate Guide to UFOs + Aliens" here.

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