Friday, December 15, 2017

Editorial - The Death of the Information Super Highway

It was a sad day yesterday (Dec. 14th) because the death of the information super highway came. The FCC decided to do away with net neutrality. What does that mean to you?

Let’s take a step back and in case you don’t know what Net Neutrality meant, here you go:

The original rules that went into effect in 2015 laid out a plan that addressed a rapidly changing internet. Under those regulations, broadband service was considered a utility under Title II of the Communications Act, giving the F.C.C. broad power over internet providers. The rules prohibited the following practices:
  • BLOCKING: Internet service providers could not discriminate against any lawful content by blocking websites or apps.
  • THROTTLING: Service providers could not slow the transmission of data based on the nature of the content, as long as it is legal.
  • PAID PRIORITIZATION: Service providers could not create an internet fast lane for companies and consumers who pay premiums and a slow lane for those who don’t.
Welcome to the age of blocking, throttling and paid prioritization. Paid prioritization is a big freaking deal here people. It now means that your ISP (internet service provider) can offer a fast lane to loading for a price. Those who can’t afford to pay; well I don’t know what to tell you except that it was nice seeing you out on the net.

Get ready to welcome different internet packages that prioritize certain content. Oh goodie, bundles!! If you hang out on Twitter and/or Facebook, you could pay for a media subscription. If you watch Netflix or Hulu, you may have to pay for a video-oriented package. But what if you want it all? Be prepared to pay for it.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. There are plenty of articles out there that go into detail about what this change means. So for all of you out there that sell anything, post videos, etc. on the internet, you will be the big loser.

Any corporation that says the net neutrality rules were overly broad, are rubbing their hands together at all the money they can make. They will be able to block any competition that they want without fear or consequences.

Follow me while you still can......

DeeCee Salter

You can follow me on Twitter @thecryptoblast
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