Thursday, December 21, 2017

"Cover-Up at Roswell: Exposing the 70-Year Conspiracy to Suppress the Truth" by Donald Schmitt - an Excerpt

What really happened in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947? Read the excerpt and then buy book to find out everything! Total cover-up.

The following excerpt is from "Cover-Up at Roswell: Exposing the 70-Year Conspiracy to Suppress the Truth" by Donald Schmitt. You can buy it here.

There was so much of it," exclaimed Marcel as he peered out over the open range.1 It was just the day before when he handled a few pieces of the strange wreckage at the office of the Chavez County Sheriff, George Wilcox, 65 miles away down in Roswell. Now he fully grasped the magnitude of the rancher's concern. "Who's going to clean up all that mess?" complained foreman Mack Brazel. From the start, that was becoming the least of anyone's concern as Marcel and his counter-intel partner became a bit uneasy over the growing situation. If it wasn't ours then whose was it? What was this stuff? Neither of the two officers had ever seen anything like it before. Their minds raced as to the possibilities. And there was so much of it....

At sunrise on Monday, July 7th, 1947, Major Jesse Marcel, head of intelligence of the 509th Atomic Bomb Wing stationed at the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) and Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) officer Captain Sheridan Cavitt would arrive at what would become the central focus of the U.S. military for the next three days. Brazel and the two men had just spent the night at the old Hines House after the rancher led them there the prior evening. They would spend the better part of the next day examining, collecting, loading, and containing what they couldn't fit into two vehicles. Marcel would send Cavitt on ahead to report directly to Colonel William Blanchard, the commanding officer back in Roswell. The major would check over the area one last time. Much of the remaining debris was gathered in an area about the size of a football field. Before, it had extended for almost a mile. Marcel would recommend a full-scale recovery operation and the need for many more troops; 50 to 60 would swarm the area by the time the next morning had ended. 

The military would extend its cordon of the immediate area beyond the debris field, but also the ranch house—almost 10 miles away. Cross-country two-track dirt roads and outlying main roads were also blocked. Military personnel had to pass through check-points and no one had free access to the recovery location—unless they had pre-approval from the higher-ups. Even the locals were not permitted to perform their routine work duties. Young Bud Payne, another rancher in the area, found out the hard way by simply pursuing a wandering steer onto the J.B. Foster ranch—the very ranch where all the strange debris was discovered just mere days before. No sooner than Payne rode his horse across the now-commandeered property, a jeep carrying army MPs sped over the hillside and bore down on the unsuspecting cowboy. Payne, who would later be elected Lincoln County judge, was physically man-handled and forced off the ranch. Next, he was ordered not to set foot on the property until their assignment was completed. This inci-dent, as many more to come, illustrated that our military, in total violation of the U.S. Constitution, violated the civil rights of American citizens. In the case of Bud Payne, they had no right ejecting him off of private property for which they had no authority. This was just the beginning.... 

Non-military people were threatened into submission by unknown agents of the federal government. Physical evidence that was not secured at the debris site was systematically tracked down from home to home, barn to barn, person to person—all with the authorized intent of covering up one of the greatest discoveries to befall humankind: the concept that we are not alone and that visitors from another inhabitance had arrived on our speck of Earth and tragically met their demise on an obscure parcel of desert in the high country of New Mexico. The truth be damned; no one was to ever know the full breadth of what had fallen out of the sky that fateful night in July 1947. Troops would spend more than two full days preserving that evidence. Industrial vacuums removed the final traces. All that remained was a long gouge from the initial impact of a larger piece of the descending unknown object. Tire tracks covered the terrain. Just as the desert floor had been stripped naked of all of its secrets, so too had the local residents. 

Everything was soon forced to return to normal. "You are not to say another word about the incident" became an all-too-common catchphrase throughout the Corona ranch territory. It seems unlikely that an event, which captivated the American psyche, affecting the personal lives of so many and leaving them cold and cynical about their government, could be a simple weather balloon device. What tactics were utilized to ensure the full cooperation of all the civilians who saw and knew too much? Roswell photographer Jack Rodden did business with many of the local ranchers from the Corona region. Rodden describes how one of the ranchers told him that three of his children returned home during the time of the incident. They appeared frightened to death and refused to speak about what they had experienced. The photographer pressed the rancher and was told by the old-timer that the kids had gotten too close to something and someone from the government had scared them severely. Other parents, such as Loretta Proctor, one of Brazel's neighbors at that time, recounted how, "When he returned home he [son Timothy] looked as though he had seen a ghost."2 Soon, it would become abundantly clear that the secret-keepers focused on the civilian witnesses. Curious children innocently behaving as we all have in our youth should not go to bed at night with the fear of government reprisal. "You will never see you parents again"' was an unforgivable threat reserved for drug lords and cold-hearted criminals—not agents of the federal government. The cover-up of such extreme retaliatory measures besmirches not only the integrity of the U.S. Government, but it also raises the ultimate question: What level of national security need be achieved that those in charge of the protection of our people should necessitate the need to utilize tortuous threats to children? That question should have all of us reassess any remaining doubts we may still have about the Roswell Incident. 

On Wednesday, July 9, 1947, the New York Times was quick to denigrate the competence of all the military officers at Roswell. Newsman Murray Schumach wrote: 
Celestial crockery had the Army up in, the air for several hours yesterday before an Army-'officer explained that what a colleague thought was a "flying disk" was nothing more than a battered Army weather balloon.... Finally, a lowly warrant officer, Irving Newton, a fore-caster at the Fort Worth, Texas, weather station, solved the mystery. He said it was just a part of a weather balloon, such as is used by eighty weather stations in the country to determine velocity and direction of wind at high altitude. Several hours before the New Mexico mystery had been solved, a Canadian meteorologist suggested the same answer in connection with rumors of "flying saucers" in Circleville, Ohio. This was soon after a couple in the Ohio town had jubilantly proclaimed their "capture" of a mysterious disk.4 
Allow this to serve as a primary example of how the "watchdog" media, within a day of the famous press announcement that claimed the Army had actually "captured" a "flying saucer," was in complete lock-step with the government. As the following pages unfold, the reader will observe that there is not a single element of the cited Times article that was accurate; rather, it was all pre-scripted propaganda, which the same media continues to regurgitate today. 

Former presidents, senators, congressmen, governors, along with the highest-ranking officers in the military have all lamented their failure in getting the truth about Roswell. What personal knowledge do any of the self-proclaimed skeptics have about the matter that supersedes all of these? These remain the same people who claim to have won the fight against Roswell, yet still are compelled to rage the war. The sixth man to walk on the moon, Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, stated, "Make no mistake, Roswell happened! I've seen secret files which show the government knew about it—but decided not to tell the public."' For those of you who remain curious as to the true nature of potentially the biggest event of the millennium, read on. Know that you are in high-level company still thirsty for the driving force behind this 70-year cover-up. And as General Wesley Clark personally commented to the author in December 2014, "If they had any answers [about Roswell] I'm sure they would have told him [Bill Clinton] while he was in the White House."' Let us proceed; let us find the answers together....

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