Saturday, July 9, 2016

The White Sasquatch Found!?

This video comes from Squatchmaster Jeff and he says: On the evening of July 3rd 2016 while following tracks believed to be of a Sasquatch in the Wildlife Area of Salt Fork State Park, I encountered a White Sasquatch moving about in the thick brush.

Steven Streufert from Bigfoot Books says:
Stupid SquatchMaster hoaxes again! This one is clearly a horse, intentionally recorded blurry and obscured by foliage. It's even edited from the previous eight minutes, with lame music added to confuse the viewer. Notice how he cuts away and zooms out when the camera is seeing too clearly? Pathetic. There's no way he wouldn't have recognized and heard what kind of animal this really was, being rather close to it. This is a *hoax*, not pareidolia or confirmation bias. Start watching at about 8:30 to avoid the unnecessary parts.
Watch the video for yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Am I the only one who sees a small dog? Jack Russell, by the look of it. This gentleman sees a Bigfoot at every turn. And what's with the out of focus videoing suddenly then the big, irrelevant sound? Cheap attempt at drama most likely.
