Saturday, July 9, 2016

It was trying to kill me...

"What's with Bigfoot trying to kill people all over the place these days? How come none of these maimings and murders or abductions get play on the nightly news? What, with the way these webcasts are competing with Paulides, there should be new mystery deaths reported in the woods every day. Right?" - Steven Streufert from Bigfoot Books.

Bigfoot Bonanza Part 3 is the latest installment of the Bigfoot Bonanza on the Dark Waters Channel. After a 3 week long hiatus Dark Waters return with a new and exciting episode. Sasquatch Encounters have been recorded through out the history. Giant Hairy men, Bigfoot, Lofa are all names given to these creatures. This episode offer three Bigfoot stories never heard before on youtube. Inside Baseball includes two stories as well so sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

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