Sunday, May 15, 2016

Mysterious 140-foot underwater UFO spotted over Antarctica coast...

“I believe something is up that we don’t know about. I believe there are secret bases in parts of this world." A UFO hunter claims discovery of a 140-foot underwater object off the coast of Antarctica on Google Earth. The “glowing” underwater UFO, according to the researcher, appears to be “coming up or going back into water.”

The alleged sighting has generated lively discussion and debate online, with UFO enthusiasts contributing a myriad of theories to explain the mysterious underwater phenomenon. While the consensus among enthusiasts is that the object is likely an alien UFO emerging or returning to a secret underwater alien base in the Antarctica, dissenting voices suggest it could be a giant squid or octopus, a whale, an abandoned fishing boat or even an underwater mountain.

The “discovery” was announced by UFO hunter Secureteam10 in a video uploaded to YouTube on April 28. According to Tyler Glockner, alias Secureteam10, a viewer of his YouTube channel sent images showing a mysterious underwater object spotted on Google Earth near Deception Island, which is part of the South Shetland Islands in the Antarctica.

Glockner told his YouTube channel followers that he decided to upload the images to YouTube because he needed help to identify the object.

“I honestly don’t know what this thing is… I am not going to make any assumptions or anything like that,” the alien hunter said. “If anything, I’d just like some help from you guys, so we can try and figure out what it is we are seeing here.”

But, he noted that the image appears to show a massive object in motion under water. The motion of the object was causing a “disturbance as if [the object] was coming up and going back into the water.”

Glockner suggested it might be a huge marine creature, such as a whale, or a massive UFO.

Many enthusiasts agreed that the object was likely an alien UFO taking off or returning to a secret underwater alien base.

A viewer summed up the view of conspiracy theorists who thought the object was a UFO returning to or taking off from a secret underwater base in the Antarctica.

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