Is everything about the search for the existence of bigfoot anecdotal? What about the reported giants in Central America? And what about the Lovelock cave giants skeletons that were found in 1931? Where did that evidence disappear to?
You purchase Ron Morehead's must have bigfoot book, "Voices in the Wilderness", here.
Maybe, just maybe, Bigfoot has another survival attribute that we don't understand yet — an attribute that might run "head on" into a quantum field. If these giants are part human, as has been suggested, how closely related to us are they? Could they have come from the same genus Homo? Could we humans have actually lost, or separated ourselves from, a survival attribute that we may have had at one time, but still remained rational and self-aware? Ever heard of the Garden of Eden and the apple? What did we actually lose, or get separated from, in that garden when we ate that metaphoric apple? And how might we get it back?
Like a giant puzzle, we're coming across anecdotal information and historical data that seems to flash a picture in front of us. Let's take a deeper look down this rabbit hole and see what we can flush out. Could there be any giants down that little hole?
The Aztecs and Mayans in Central America recorded their encounters with a race of giants to the north when they ventured out on exploratory expeditions. Augustan history records that Maximinus Thrax, the 27th emperor of Rome, who ruled that Empire from 235 to 238 AD, was eight feet, ten inches tall.
In February and June of 1931, large skeletons were found in the Humboldt lake bed, close to Lovelock, Nevada. The first of these two skeletons found measured eight and one half feet tall and appeared to have been wrapped in a gum-covered fabric similar to the Egyptian method. The second skeleton was almost ten feet long (Review - Miner, June 19, 1931). Like so many, these artifacts have mysteriously disappeared.
In a story told by Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins, around 1880, the Paiute Natives in the Lovelock area warred with the Si-Te-Cah, who were cannibals and had red hair. The story goes that they fought until they had killed all but a few who hid in a cave. When the cave was being mined in 1911 the remnants of these red-haired people were reportedly found. Most of the artifacts were lost over time due to lack of interest from science. Some reports indicate they were gigantic in size. Among the artifacts found was a sandal measuring fifteen inches long.
In March of 2013, I contacted the Winnemucca Museum and asked if they had any data supporting the story of red-haired giants. Their director informed me that although the skulls are robust, they are not considered giant. Also, the museum could no longer display the skulls because they are Native American and the museum could lose its funding. She also gave me a report from the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) which stated that the story of red-haired giants from the Lovelock cave was...
You purchase Ron Morehead's must have bigfoot book, "Voices in the Wilderness", here.
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