Monday, April 4, 2016

野人 The Ye Ren of China 野人 Bigfoot's Cousin!

China Recorded sightings of Bigfoot-esque creatures date back as far as 3,000 years in China. Known by names such as "Fei Fei" and "Ye Ren," which means "Wild Man," the Chinese cousin of Bigfoot is frequently reported as being covered in red fur. Not only does animal differ in hair color from the common American version, it's also more imposing in stature. More after the jump.

Witnesses throughout the mountainous areas of Hubei have stated the Ye Ren stand about 9-feet tall. The "Wild Man" also adheres to a vegetarian diet consisting mostly of corn.

Some cryptozoologists have drawn a link between the Yeren and the extinct hominid Gigantopithecus, which formerly inhabited the general region. It has also been suggested that the Yeren is actually a new species of orangutan, one that is ground-dwelling, bipedal and native to mainland Asia instead of Borneo or Sumatra.

Cliff Barackman from Finding Bigfoot has been doing ongoing research with the Sumatra version of Bigfoot, the Orang Pendek. Click here to read his hypothesis, footprint data, research area and more.

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