Saturday, April 23, 2016

Is it ethical to kill Bigfoot?

After Hours with Rictor (The #1 Bigfoot Webcast) features Area X researcher,  Bob Strain. Topics include his ongoing team effort at Area X in the Ouachita Mountains in Oklahoma and is he pro-kill of Sasquatch? What are his methods in getting evidence of Bigfoot? Is it ethical to kill Bigfoot? Whats more important, protecting the species or having forest friends? Some say Bigfoot is their friend... if that is true, then save it's life and do your part for the preservation of the species. It's not that hard. Video after the jump.

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1 comment:

  1. That's the thing, people think science will simply believe anecdotal evidence is going to be accepted and it simply won't. In fact, it's very likely that no reputable scientist will give you the time of day. However, if you have a body, a real body that they can come and take their own samples and do their own testing and see their own results, then they'll listen to you. Until then, it's all just stories around the campfire.
