Thursday, April 14, 2016

Bob Gimlin from the famed Patterson film rarely does interviews

On October 20, 1967, two cowboys, Roger Patterson and his friend Bob Gimlin, went down in history in the paranormal world by being at the right place at the right time... Frame 352 from Roger Patterson's movie camera is the most famous, iconic Bigfoot image ever and it has enthralled audiences across the world and frightened children growing up in the 1970's, motivating the next generation of Bigfooters like Cliff Barackman, Bart Cutino, Kathy Strain, and so on.  Little did Bob Gimlin know that his involvement with his late friend's fascination for Bigfoot would change his life forever. More after the jump.

In the 47 years since they filmed that female Sasquatch in Bluff Creek, a lot has changed in the world with technology, science, and ethics... what are Bob Gimlin's thoughts on the current state of Bigfooting? IS HE PRO KILL OR NO KILL? And what advice does he have for the next generation? You will also hear him detail the events that lead right up to their chance encounter in the woods with "Patti" and what his favorite memories are of the late Roger Patterson (February 14, 1926 – January 15, 1972).  Did you know Bob had a second encounter just a few years ago? You will hear about that and why he doesn't do interviews.

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