Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Were Alien Radio Signals Giving Scientists a Headache?

The universe holds its fair amount of mysteries, even more than we can actually handle at the moment, but at least now, one of them has been elucidated, as alien radio signals no longer puzzle scientists.
These phenomena have been noticed since 2005 and they can be described as a bright flash of radio waves, a pulse, that appears and then it’s gone in almost an instant. This phenomenon is called a fast radio burst, and up until now, scientists have only seen it happen, without knowing the cause of its creation.

A group or astronomers and researchers from multiple universities, including the famous Carnegie Mellon University, have gathered and analyzed over 650 hours of data regarding this phenomenon, data which was gathered by the Green Bank Telescope of the National Science Foundation. By sifting through all of the data compiled, they managed to discover one particular occurrence where the creator of such a radio pulse can be spotted.

This phenomenon usually occurs in highly magnetized areas of space left behind by massive supernovas or found in the middle of a nebula which is giving birth to a star. This massive magnetic force creates an intense burst of radio waves, thus making a fast radio burst. To read more visit this website.

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