Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Not Everything Paranormal Needs to be Explained!

The duty of a paranormal investigator is to use scientific or spiritual tools to prove or disprove an unexplained occurrence. If someone is uncomfortable in their own home due to hearing strange noises, or seeing disturbing sights, an investigator goes in to figure out what is causing the activity.
However, sometimes it's just best to let someone believe what they want to believe. Recently, a grieving mother in Mexico had an experience at her child's wake that has since caused much conversation in paranormal circles.

A while balloon floats from the casket to the mother who is sitting several feet from her deceased child's body.

The balloon seems to go directly to her and then stop, move around behind her and over to her other side.

The woman reaches out and embraces the balloon string and then the balloon itself, obviously seeing it as a sign from her child, or the actual spirit of her child bringing her a gift.

Since the video was first posted to YouTube, commenters have called it everything from a staged incident to demonic activity.

Could it be explained easily? Click here for more to read!

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