Thursday, February 25, 2016

Did Ancient Astronauts Influence American Mound Builders’ Beliefs About Death?

In a new book entitled, “Path of Souls” Andrew Collins summarizes what mainstream archaeologists refer to as the “death journey” of America’s ancient mound builders. The “journey” is the path taken by the “free soul” after death. The ideas incorporated into this journey are exceedingly complex as well as exceedingly old.

Here is an excerpt from the paranormal news article: It is likely that the core of these beliefs extend back into time at least 18,000-years ago when the bright star Deneb, one of the key stars of the Cygnus Constellation, served as the north pole star. The ultimate purpose of the death journey was to allow the soul to escape the physical world and return to the sky where it originated. As already mentioned, it was a complex idea, and only a brief outline of the soul’s journey is given here.

The Death Journey in Brief

According to recent conclusions made by a large group of mainstream archaeologists, Native American mound builders believed that the journey of the “free soul,” the part of us that we identify as our memories and consciousness, usually began a few days after death. It involved a journey to the west until a vast body of water was reached. There, the soul waited until a precise moment in the early morning hours—just before the sun rose. The soul then made a leap toward a specific spot in the western sky located just below what Native Americans called the “Hand” constellation. The Hand was a “severed hand” with the fingers dangling down toward the horizon. In the hand itself was a colorful, fuzzy star (a nebula), today known as Messier-42. The wrist of the severed hand was formed by three stars—what is known today as the Belt of Orion. Assuming that the soul made the leap successfully, it quickly transitioned to the Milky Way, which was seen as a horizontal band of stars located just above the Hand. At this point, the Hand and the Milky Way were seen to sink below the horizon just as the sun rose.

Read this extremely interesting article at Paranormal news!

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