Friday, September 30, 2016

An Editorial: Should Bigfoot Hoaxer Rick Dyer Be Killed?

Rick Dyer, the infamous two time Bigfoot hoaxer might not be the most liked person in the Bigfoot world, but he is still a human being and has a family, a business to run, and a life to live outside of the insane asylum known as The Bigfoot Community. Yet people Wish death upon him and send their heinous attacks on him daily. In fact he even had one person show up on his doorstep. Take this recent message for example:

"Twice as Big as a Man" an excerpt from "On the Track of the Sasquatch" by John Green

Eight feet seems to be about right for a monster. It's big enough to be impressive but not so big as to cause much controversy. A gorilla with manlike legs could be that tall. A few men have been even taller. Science rejects the idea that there is such a thing as a Sasquatch at all, but doesn't raise much objection to an eight-footer as a structural possibility.

Making of a Modern Monster

The naming of "Bigfoot," which Humboldt Times editor Andrew Genzoli did on October 5, 1958, was a significant cultural event.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Vortex Based Mathematics - The Magic Donuts

Oh what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive....

Albert Ostman: Bigfoot kidnap victim:

Albert Ostman talking about how he was kidnapped in 1924 by a family of Bigfoot on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

10 Reincarnation Stories That Will Open Your Mind!

Re-incarnation has been discussed for over a thousand years and experts like the late Canadian Psychiatrist Dr Ian Stevenson, researched the subject and wrote books showing that there was much evidence to prove that reincarnation existed.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

"Ghost girl" caught on CCTV camera in Mexico

Footage of a 'ghost girl' crossing the street and being hit by a car has gone viral in Mexico, sparking terror and speculation in equal measure.

Did a UFO crash on Mars?

An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) enthusiast has discovered in a panoramic Mars photo taken by NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover what he believes is possibly a crashed flying saucer. Or a strange looking, “massive” rock. But other UFO enthusiasts agree that it is an alien craft of some sort.

Game warden tells stories of Bigfoot in the National Parks!

JT is a Game warden in the North West and has encountered Sasquatch several times. The 411 missing persons cases in the national forests are true and JT has seen it. The Bigfoot is aggressive and it has scared this game warden...

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Breakdown - Back Engineered Alien Craft

Let's take a closer look at this UFO video from last March:

Why Do People Believe In UFOs, Bigfoot And Conspiracy Theories?

There's a reason behind your belief in Bigfoot conspiracy theories...

Letters from a Missionary

From that year (1840) emerges a fascinating letter from a missionary living in northern Washington about a possible Bigfoot. We are indebted to Robert Ruby, M.D., of Moses Lake, Washington, for finding this letter and to the Holland Library of Washington State University for permission to publish it. Of particular interest in the letter—apart from the mention of “giants” that could well have been Bigfeet—are the notations concerning their strength (“they can carry two or three beams upon their back at once”), the size of their feet (“they say their track is about a foot and a half long”) and their smell. As readers will know, many people who have been close to a Bigfoot have noticed the very strong smell that they seem to emit. Both Patterson and Gimlin, who made the 1967 Bigfoot footage, noticed this strong smell and think that it was this that caused their horses to bolt. As to the stone throwing, we have several mentions of this in our records as well as the famous story from Ape Canyon of rock throwing.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Seeing Sasquatch

The following article is a brief history of the highest profile claimed sightings of the elusive Bigfoot. From 1895 all the way to 2011.

Bigfoot is gay!

In this excerpt, author Loren Coleman talks about his controversial speech he gave in 2001 about Bigfoot's sexuality and the repercussions he dealt with as a result of his lecture.

"Forest Friends of the Night" (an excerpt) by Keith Bearden

When it comes to Bigfoot fandom, there are many divisive factions that struggle for control over the so-called, "Bigfoot Community". We here at The Crypto Blast have our own opinions on the woo-woo train of thought, but at the same time we believe in being fair when presenting information for our readers. The following is an except by Bigfoot author Keith Bearden teaching his readers the good, the bad, and the ugly in regards to the Bigfoot Community.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Real zombies are attacking people!

There are real news broadcasts about people in a zombie-like state. You have all heard about the guy eating another persons face while on bath salts. Flakka is a type of synthetic cathinone, just as bath salts are. Makers of synthetic drugs are continually changing their chemical compositions and in essence, are creating The Walking Dead.

Classic Siskel and Ebert commentary on Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) is one of the most ambitious movies Steven Spielberg has ever made. This was a movie that combined everyday American life with a wild side of the imagination. It stared Richard Dreyfus as a suburban guy who started getting strange getting compulsions to build little mountains out of his mashed potatoes and leave home and go to a place where something wonderful was going to happen...

Cryptomundo's Craig Woolheater almost died looking for Bigfoot!

Michael Esordi of Believe It Tour tells the story how they almost lost Craig Woolheater, Brad Pennock and Sharon Lee Lomurno off the side of the road leading up from the Patterson-Gimlin film site at Bluff Creek. Bobo Fay, Diana Smith and Mike made it up safely, but Bobo had to drive back down to help. What a Bigfoot experience.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Bigfoot sightings!

‘Tis the season for ghosts and goblins and beasties; could that explain the recent rash of North America Bigfoot sightings? In the last week, cameras in Utah and Michigan have seemingly caught Bigfoot, a potentially mythical creature of cryptozoological legend, in motion.

Video allegedly shows Bigfoot creature in Provo cornfield?

You can add another video to the growing list of local Bigfoot "footage."

Preface by a Bigfoot Tracker from the book "Bigfoot" by B. Ann Slate and Alan Berry

The following is an introduction by the late great John Green for B. Ann Slates' and Alan Berry's book, "Bigfoot". It covers with three areas: reports of encounters with hairy, human-like giants, unidentified flying objects and "psychic" phenomena. Perhaps this was the beginning of the woo philosophy that was adopted by Erik Beckjord, and then seized by Thom Cantrall, Arla Williams, and the lunatic psychologist, Dr. Matthew Johnson?

Friday, September 23, 2016

Editorial: The Fast and the Furious: The Fall of TV Personalities

An editorial by Serapheena Sasquatch Hunter: Today, marked the downfall of yet another T.V. personality celebrity ghost hunter, Ryan Buell, on charges of theft and stolen property. Tucked safely away as we speak in a detention center in Florence County South Carolina, Buell, star of A&E’s Paranormal State has found himself at rock bottom. From the looks of current pictures, some rocks may actually look better (just sayin').

New Bigfoot photo!

We received this photo this morning in our inbox and thought you guys would like to see it for yourselves.

The North American Wildmen: The Sasquatch

Tribal peoples of North America tell of giant hairy man-like creatures in the forests, since the beginning of time. They are depicted especially prominently in the totem poles and masks of the coastal tribes of the Pacific Northwest. The common anglicized term for this `wildman of the woods' is Sasquatch.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

No call for alarm...

Did you know that spooky sightings of ghouls, ghosts and evil spirits are higher than they have been in the past 25 years? Check out this story...

Why do we need to look for Bigfoot?

Watch out! It's 10 feet tall and hairy, and it could be coming to get you -- or your dogs!

The creepiest house in America!

The John Lawson house might be the creepiest house in America. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Mothman Festival!

There are many things to examine while traveling the windy roads that lead to Point Pleasant, WV.

As one approaches the Ohio River, the landscape grows untamed, swallowing up the ramshackle homes that cling to the messy, sloping hillsides. Hand-wrought signs with red letters on plywood slates are tacked onto the trees next to the highway, declaring “ALL KNEES SHALL BEND,” and “HE HAS RISEN.”

If there is a prime habitat for the truly unknowable, it very well may be the lush, dark, forested crevices surrounding the Ohio River.

Starting in 1966 a series of phenomena that would eventually be referred to as the “Mothman legend” occurred near the sleepy riverside town of Point Pleasant. Typically stoic, working class people began reporting a large, shadowy, red-eyed winged creature. The sightings climaxed with the collapse of the Silver Bridge in December 1967, a tragedy that took the lives of 46 people during rush-hour traffic on the bridge, which connected Point Pleasant and Gallipolis, OH.

Speculation about the mysterious cryptid has continued to this day; most notably with parapsychologist and Fortean author John Keel’s 1975 book The Mothman Prophecies and the 2002 movie of the same name.

This weekend marked the 15th celebration of the Mothman Festival in Point Pleasant, which brings together paranormal enthusiasts and community members of the surrounding areas alike. The festival is truly unique, starring everything from vendors selling books on topics like alien abduction and theories on crop circles to teams of paranormal investigators from far and wide displaying their work, all planted among more light-hearted fare, like fair food trucks hocking treats such as “Mothman cupcakes” and meatball sandwiches re-named “Mothball sandwiches.”

“When I first saw The Mothman Prophecies, I was shocked that I had never heard about the legend,” said Matthew Pellowski, paranormal journalist and director of the 2010 documentary The Eyes of the Mothman, during an interview at this year’s festival. “When I found out that no one had really done anything on the legend in about 30 years, it seemed like it would be the perfect topic for a documentary.”

The Eyes of the Mothman was re-released this year by Destination America, which drove Pellowski back to the Point Pleasant festival to promote the movie.

“When I first came down here, it was very hard to get people to talk about the legend,” said Pellowski. “One thing that I had to assure people of, when I was asked to interview them for the film, was that it wasn’t going to be a hokey documentary, that it was going to focus on the history of the town in a fact-driven sort of way. “

While Pellowski said that the film is definitely a “paranormal documentary,” he emphasizes the fact that Point Pleasant and the surrounding region has been a hotbed for strange phenomena for many years, which he examines in detail with the film.

“We wanted to keep the movie as grounded as possible, because when you’re dealing with subject matter like this, it’s pretty easy to get a very conspiracy theory heavy and a little weird,” said Pellowski. “It’s easy to say, ‘Oh, Mothman was an alien from outer space,’ but what is more interesting is when you look at the ties that the legend has to local history and culture.”

Source: WOUB Digital

Rictor Riolo leaves Windows behind...

Crypto Blast contributor, Rictor Riolo made a life changing decision recently and made a video to prove it.

The X-Files find Jimmy Kimmel...

“The X-Files” is one of Jimmy’s all-time favorite shows. He was excited when he heard it was coming back and even more excited when creator Chris Carter invited him to be a part of it with original cast members David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The search for Bigfoot is on, and you can help fund it

The search for Bigfoot is on, and you can help fund it. Nope, it's not a joke. Bigfoot reasearchers Todd Neiss, Diane Stalking, Ron Morehead along with up and coming junior researchers like Gunnar Monson are going on the Sasquatch adventure of a lifetime!

New Bigfoot book: Hidden Tribe by Scott Harper & Desirée Lee *THIS IS A MUST BUY!*

Authors Scott Harper & Desirée Lee are a Bigfoot husband and wife writing duo who wrote a Sasquatch based novel called Hidden Tribe. The novel is fiction but it incorporates some of their own personal research and theories on the mysterious creature, Here's what we thought of the book:

Parabreakdown: Predator Seen in the Woods?

Hi folks. Here's one I never recall hearing about. It happened in Sep 2010 and involved a lady named Jan in a tree stand in Ohio about 15 feet above ground spotting a predator...

Monday, September 19, 2016

Some scientists want more proof!

Most scientists do not believe Bigfoot exists, even though many people say they have seen it, and many footprints have been found. Scientists want real proof. They want someone to trap a live Bigfoot, or they want someone to find the body, skeleton, or skull of a dead Bigfoot.

5 Real Zombies That You Were Never Told About

Zombies violate some of our deepest taboos: grave desecration, cannibalism, and the strict separation of life and death. So, what would you do if you found out that the flesh-eating undead are not always confined to the realms of fiction?

Bigfoot in England?

Man claims to have experienced a close encounter with the elusive 'Yeti' in Welsh woodland.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

What's in a name?

In the Bigfoot world there is a common misnomer that the Native Americans named it Sasquatch. That's not the case. Sasquatch is the lazy white man attempt at saying "Sesquac" by the Salish Indians. Labels change over time and here are some other names for the hairy monster!

The only Bigfoot YouTube show you should be watching right now

Off the Rictor is the funniest and most shocking Bigfoot show on YouTube right now. Bigfoot Bounty cast member Rictor Riolo has raised the bar with his second season which is only three episodes in. No bigfooter, researcher, attention whore, or hoaxer is safe from his vicious tongue! Viewer discretion is advised.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Jacobs Photos

On September 16, 2007 (9 years ago this week), a Bushnell trail camera with infrared captured bear cubs and what looks to be an unknown primate bending over. Why do people think it's Bigfoot?

Bigfoot at 50: Evaluating a Half-Century of Bigfoot Evidence

Though sightings of the North American Bigfoot date back to the 1830s (Bord 1982), interest in Bigfoot grew rapidly during the second half of the twentieth century. This was spurred on by many magazine articles of the time, most seminally a December 1959 True magazine article describing the discovery of large, mysterious footprints the year before in Bluff Creek, California.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Night Claws

A bloodthirsty Bigfoot, which kills without warning, is on a rampage near a small town. This is not your ordinary Bigfoot -- This creature is lightning fast, incredibly strong and seems to thrive on not just killing but tearing people apart as well. A strong, beautiful, and sometimes mysterious woman shows up claiming to represent the Federal Government and pushes the local Sheriff into hunting down this creature, but they are not alone in their hunt. As multiple groups of hunters all seek out the famed prize the lines become seriously blurred between the hunter and the hunted.

The First Speaker for the 2017 Ohio Bigfoot Conference is...

Brady Baxter says: "Today, Marc Dewerth, runner of the Ohio Bigfoot Conference posted some exciting news to his Facebook page. The first official speaker for the 2017 Ohio Bigfoot Conference is Lyle Blackburn! This news has already got me extremely excited for what's to come from the 2017 Ohio Bigfoot Conference and I already can't wait! Thank you for watching and I hope you enjoy the video!"

October 20,1967

"I'm goin' to make a million bucks!" —Roger Patterson, October 22, 1967

Thursday, September 15, 2016

JACKO - The Untold Bigfoot Horror Story

After a residence reports a possible Sasquatch sighting to an investigation group, two researchers are called to the scene. With no luck on the search, they sit around with a police officer waiting until they can leave the property. The darker it gets, the more howls they hear. Let's just say the search isn't over just yet.

What is this? Is it an animal?

This video appeared online and paranormal Facebook groups are making it out to be a mystery. But we think we figured out what it is...

Mermaid Skeleton

We found an intriguing and unusual video of an alleged mermaid skeleton. The bones resembling a mermaid skeleton were found 124 miles from the Polish capital city of Warsaw. If it's a hoax, it is very well done. Check it out!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Operation Sea Monkey is a go!

Operation: Sea Monkey is a very serious, professional expedition into the Canadian wilderness in search of Bigfoot. Sponsored in part by the American Primate Conservancy, this adventure is set to take place from September 23rd through October 2nd of this year. And here is how you can help.

"Notes From the Field: Tracking North America's Sasquatch" by William Jevning

No history of the Sasquatch, no matter how brief would be complete without a discussion of the film taken by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin on October 20, 1967. Much has been written about this incident during the nearly 40 years since the filming. Often times, however, the facts presented are incorrect or have been changed on purpose to help support negative agendas attempting to prove the film was a hoax.

Bigfoot watches a tire change?

The book, "The Oregon Bigfoot Highway", is a collection of Bigfoot sightings, Bigfoot related incidents and ... happenings in the wild area of the upper Clackamas and Breitenbush River drainages. This story comes from a Forest Service employee in 1967 changing a tire...