Saturday, December 23, 2017

Did the Grays betray us?

The Grays stray from their agreement with the secret government!

The following is an excerpt from "Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds" by Brad Steiger.

Come researchers insist that the CIA was created primarily to see that the aliens followed their end of the agreement. Their agents soon noted that the Grays were abducting more humans than had been predetermined and agreed upon. Perhaps even worse, humans whose names were not on the official list of potential abductees were being taken aboard craft for study and examination. And some of those abducted humans never returned.

In addition, the CIA learned that large numbers of abductees had received "implants" that were designed to monitor them, much in the manner that terrestrial conservation officers keep tabs on bears, wolves, and deer. 

Certain highly advanced technological devices designed by the Grays can liter-ally "beam" an abductee aboard one of their spaceships while the victim sleeps in his or her own bed. The Grays have the ability to rearrange a human's cellular structure so that a selected abductee can be dematerialized and brought through solid surfaces such as walls or roofs, and reassembled on board a spacecraft. Once the examination is completed and the process is reversed, the victim may awaken in the morning with only pieces of a fleeting memory of a bizarre dream. 

Incredibly, many human scientists who claim to have worked in secret under-ground laboratories with the Grays state that these particular Aliens have no effective military weapons. Some suggest that the more powerful reptilian species from Orion had already confiscated their weaponry before the Gray's came to Earth.

You can read more by purchasing "Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds" by Brad Steiger here.

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