Friday, October 27, 2017

Rick Dyer calls Marc DeWerth and Tom Yammerone scammers!

"I recorded this to show my anger and how much I am disgusted at the community. It's not even a community, folks. This video is strictly about Bigfoot and the bigfoot community and how people disrespected the person who put Bigfoot on the map."

Rick Dyer doesn't hold back his opinions on this recent controversy.

"What sorry pieces of [expletive]. It's jealousy. It's egos. Instead of letting Bob speak, what did they do? They had an auction to line Marc's pocket. To line Tom's pocket. They're scammers. They're crooks, they're users. And they're jealous! And that's the whole deal, folks."

Dyer says "I have been known to do a hoax or two. But guess what? Without Bigfoot I probably wouldn't be here today and I have don a lot of stuff, a lot of hoaxes, a lot of videos on the subject of Bigfoot... even on TV. And Bigfoot is a big part of my life. If it wasn't for Bigfoot I wouldn't be a car lot owner. Because everything happens for a reason."

"Over the weekend they had a Bigfoot 50th anniversary conference of the Patterson Gimlin footage to celebrate the Patterson Gimlin film. To celebrate the man, Bob Gimlin. And Bob Gimlin for those who don't know, he was there when the film was shot of the famous footage of the Bigfoot walking along the river. And I tell you whether you think it's a hoax or not, that film has brought us all together., And for someone to disrespect Bob and not let him speak at the 50th anniversary conference tells me one thing: These people Marc DeWerth and Tom Yamarone are nothing but scammers. Common thieves.using Bob to line their pockets with money. And you should be ashamed of yourself."

"People in the Bigfoot Community hates me because I made money off of a fake dead Bigfoot. A fake dead Bigfoot that didn't hurt no one. A fake dead Bigfoot that all you had to do was turn off the news and you wouldn't see it no more."

"Mark Dewerth is the guy from the Ohio Conference that has been making money off Bob for years and years and years. he's been lining his pockets off of Bob. And Bob is a sweetheart, a really nice man."

Rick Dyer also talks about Bob Gimlin's manager, Russell Acord. Watch the video below for more.

"When you get somebody like Russell Acord by your side, all these [expletive] losers go ape [expletive] and get jealous because they were taking advantage of Bob, they were making money off of Bob. And when they see someone else with Bob, they automatically think oh he's making the money I'm supposed to be making off Bob. They're [expletive] users. Scum. They should be in jail. That is what they are."

"What sorry pieces of [expletive]. It's jealousy. It's egos. Instead of letting Bob speak, what did they do? They had an auction to line Marc's pockets. To line Tom's pocket. They're scammers. They're crooks, they're users. And they're jealous! And that's the whole deal, folks."

Rick Dyer closes the video with a personal message to Marc DeWerth.


  1. I don't know what shocks me more, the fact two assholes have used Mr. Bob Gimlin or the fact that Mr. Rick Dyer just exposed his "human side", his humility...its pretty sad when a self professed hoaxer calls someone out for being being douche' bag...

  2. No one give a damn about Ricky Dyer or any opinions he might have posting him or giving him a forum to speak from pretty much means you guys like him. A known hoaxer, a loud mouth coward and a scum sucking dog, and you guys love him. What does that say about you?
