Friday, March 17, 2017

Sasquatch Watchers Romp at Bigfoot Bonanza

SFWeekly tracked down all the leading experts, entertainers, and Bigfoot enthusiasts at this weekend’s Bigfoot Bonanza conference in San Francisco.

By Joe Kukura from SFWeekly

The call of the wild brought America’s leading Bigfooters and Sasquatchologists to San Francisco this weekend for the Bigfoot Bonanza, a three-day symposium of all things Yeti held at the Balboa Theater. The event was a roaring mixture of old B-movies and vintage TV episodes about Bigfoot, and wildboy or wildgirl experts who’ve devoted their lives to finding the perennially elusive woodland beast.

Yes, there are prominent women in the Bigfoot hunting field, with notable contemporaries including the Ultimate Female Bigfoot Team. “We have put together a team of six girls in the hopes that we would have different results out in the field hunting Bigfoot than we would if we had any men with us,” Ultimate Female Bigfoot Team lead investigator Montra Freitas tells SF Weekly. “The premise is we have a softer approach and we are not as threatening to anything out there.”

That team was just one of many eclectic researchers and Bigfoot hunters who presented their findings and methods. “These Bigfoot conferences have people with all sorts of personalities” Kai Wada, organizer of Bigfoot Bonanza tells SF Weekly. “But they all have this one thing they that they really love, and it’s this giant hairy monster that could live in the woods or it could just live in their minds.”

Click here to read more.

Source: SFWeekly

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