Saturday, January 14, 2017

Bigfoot in North Dakota!

The latest Bigfoot sighting is right here on the North Dakota prairie.

By Catherine Ross from Grand Forks Herald

Some Ellendale residents believe Sasquatch took a walk through rural Dickey County this Christmas.

It's the kind of folklore you see in grainy photos and hear in campfires stories, but what about rural North Dakota?

"It's a bigfoot, sasquatch, gigantopithecus, whatever you want to call him," said Christopher Bauer, Ellendale, ND "He's a real animal, he's here and I want people to know."

Christopher Bauer is an experienced trapper near Ellendale, but a Christmas day track is more extraordinary than the outdoorsman has ever seen.

"Picked up the trail down that way about 20-yards in, right in the open and then crossed the highway and made his way to the hills, I think," said Bauer.

Bauer started on the trail after a family friend spotted something alarming through her kitchen window.

"She described him as a huge, hairy, ugly monster and I guess that kind of describes it, if a Sasquatch is looking through the window at you, that's how I'd describe him, too," said Bauer.

That 'monster' left miles of tracks, 18 by 8 inch footprints.

"He has a four foot stride and when he hits, he makes a deep impression. So it really wasn't hard to track him, it really wasn't," said Bauer.

Christopher Bauer says he tracked hundreds of footprints for more than seven miles, that's when the Bigfoot tracks disappeared into the hills.

"There were two places where he kicked up the snow and reached down and picked up either a mouse or a vole or something like that," said Bauer.

Bauer knows many people won't believe what he found, but he says the tracks are too perfect to be a hoax.

He hopes someone will get video evidence of the mysterious creature, but he also hope to find that proof without any harm coming to Bigfoot.

"The truth is out there. It's there. I know he is, I tracked him," said Bauer.

Bauer sent his photos to a 'bigfoot expert' at the University of Idaho.

The professor says the prints look promising.

The Dickey County Sheriff says he's not investigating the Sasquatch case and can't confirm whether the creature exists.

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