Thursday, September 1, 2016

Bigfoot Books owner Steven Streufert vs the Woo-Woo!

So what is this woo-woo community we keep hear about? What is a woo-woo when it comes to Bigfoot? It's a slang term for those that accept claims without question, no matter how absurd and crazy it is. Some woo Sasquatch believers claim the creature is real based on quantum physics and energy vibrations. Some even say Bigfoot is your forest friend and came from the Star People. Well, there are quite a few enemies of the woo-woo. Steven Streufert from Willow Creek's Bigfoot Books has an opinion on this and is considered an enemy of the woo-woo...

From the desk of Steven Streufert:
People are making ridiculous claims, and I question them. I've been involved in this Bigfooting thing since 1999, and I'd like to see it proceed rationally towards a real answer. Those propagating and enabling absurd metaphysical explorations better done on LSD at a Rainbow Gathering are not helping the matter. I was there at SOHA to investigate, and I saw absolutely no sign of anything special or unusual. So, yeah, actually, I am interested in seeing this delusion (or hoax) of Johnson's exposed.
What makes it Woo is the pursuit of the irrational, an active denial of objective reality in favor of a belief system, a nd the ignorance of real evidence-based methods of learning. It's the nature of Woo "thinking" to simply amalgamate one weird idea with the next, eventually constructing a whole metaphysical worldview based on nothing at all, no sound evidence, with only odd subjective experiences and bad ideas at its core.

I grow rather tired of being told we have to be "open-minded" and nice to the Woo-woo claims and claimants. We are under no obligation to be open to the absurd. There is no equivalence between the claims of paranormalists and those of science. That which is presented without evidence may be dismissed (at least provisionally) without evidence. Believers who operate under faith using imagination and speculation, or suffering delusion, deserve no special consideration. They can access the facts if they'd like, just as we do.
It's a profound misunderstanding of science that seeks to tell people that they must be open-minded to every ludicrous proposition under the sun. Science proceeds by eliminating the false, and falsifying itself if it can. Most hypotheses are wrong, but the reasonable ones may be tested, refined, and found in the end to be true. Someone receiving mental transmissions from an invisible undocumented species proposed by a fringe subculture, for instance, is very likely not worth consideration by any serious student of reality.
Please visit Steven's blog here and join in the discussion on Facebook here:

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