Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What do you do if you were abducted by aliens?

The era of ‘Classic’ UFO reports are long gone. The abduction phenomenon seems to have disappeared as technology has caught up since the 1950's. You wont find any reports of a abduction since 2009. However, if you were to have Been Abducted By Aliens ~ Now What? If you believe one set of claims, nearly four million Americans have been abducted by aliens. This figure has been widely publicized and is often assumed to mean that millions of people have been visited by members of an alien species and, in some cases, physically taken from their beds, cars, or homes to an alien craft or planet.

Brent Peterson from the UFOandAlienTruthNetwork.com wrote: 
Regardless if I actually believe these claims, after reading countless witness accounts, hours of video, and researching the facts you tend to imagine just what would it be like. Just having a interest in extraterrestrial visitation you will end up going to sleep with “visions” stuck in your head! 
So if your like me and have a Netflix list full of Alien movies and TV shows, including but not limited to crazy space travel shows, doomsday and apocalyptic thrillers, and other flicks in the same genre then you may often ponder,….. 

“What the Hell would I do if it happened to Me!” 
People claiming to have been abducted are usually called “abductees” or “experiencers”.
Due to a paucity of objective physical evidence, most scientists and mental health professionals dismiss the phenomenon as “deception, suggestibility (fantasy-proneness, hypnotizability, false memory syndrome), personality, sleep paralysis, psychopathology, psycho-dynamics and environmental factors”. 
However, the late Prof. John E. Mack, a respected Harvard University psychiatrist, devoted a substantial amount of time to investigating such cases and eventually concluded that the only phenomenon in psychiatry that adequately explained the patients’ symptoms in several of the most compelling cases was post traumatic stress disorder. As he noted at the time, this would imply that the patient genuinely believed that the remembered frightening incident had really occurred. 
Dr. Mack claimed that his psychiatric patients were not mentally ill (then why was he treating them?) and that he could think of no better explanation for their stories than that they were true. However, until someone produces physical evidence that abductions have occurred, it seems more reasonable to believe that Dr. Mack and his patients were deluded or frauds. Of course, the good doctor could hide behind academic freedom and the doctor/patient privacy privilege. He could make all the claims he wanted and refuse to back any of them up on the grounds that to do so would be to violate his patients’ rights. He could then publish his stories and dare anyone to take away his academic freedom. He was in the position any cheat would envy: he could lie without fear of being caught.
Typical claims involve being subjected to a forced medical examination that emphasizes their reproductive system. Abductees sometimes claim to have been warned against environmental abuse and the dangers of nuclear weapons. While many of these claimed encounters are described as terrifying, some have been viewed as pleasurable or trans-formative. 
I tell my friends who claim to be abducted by aliens, ‘If you’re in a flying saucer, steal something,’” “I don’t care what it is, a pen, a paperweight, anything, so you have bragging rights after you leave the flying saucer, otherwise, you’re empty-handed.”
If it were me, I know for a fact I would not go quietly into the night! First off, my smart phone is never far away, either in my pocket or next to my bed. 
My first response would be to attack at all costs! But if for some highly advanced galactic reason I was unable to resist I would be taking photo’s and video until they strapped me down or took away my phone! I know, some of you are going to say that phones, camera’s and other electronics stop working or are disabled by the extraterrestrial kidnappers. 
So then I must think fast and assuming they are going to drop me off back at home or my car like countless other abductions I need to get the PROOF! 
I can try to scratch them them and have their DNA under my fingernails! 
I can try and steal something!, it doesn’t need to be much, just something that’s looks like its from another planet or galaxy! 
Ok, so maybe I wasn’t able to scratch them or steal anything then all I have left is my experience that no one will believe. Oh wait! Im in a huge craft that others had to of seen right? My neighbors, family members or others in my area? 
Quickly I look around to see if anyone else is here with me? If yes, maybe I can holler out a “Hey You!, whats your name and digits? We need to talk later!” 
Or if I’m alone in this nightmare I can try to observe as much as possible so I can re-create the environment I am in and describe it to others! Surely they will believe me after my childish drawings I produce! 
I awake in the morning with vivid memories of a horrible experience so life like that it had to be real! 
During quick evaluation of my condition I notice a mark on my left foot I never saw before and of course assume its a Alien implant!? How else could I have gotten this mysterious mark? It had to be Aliens! 
If you have not figured out by now that I highly doubt any claims of Alien abduction and wanted to show that sometimes our desire to believe trumps rational thought and statistical and common sense solutions. 
If the figures stated in the first paragraph for just America (The USA accounts for the majority of claims) are accurate and 4 million plus have claimed similar experiences or very different experiences but never are able to produce tangible evidence then the only conclusion is they never happened and are not reality. 
A dream, Sleep paralysis, mental illness or other medical conditions are the the only real answers!,…Well besides a whole host of other motives like attention, profit, or whatever else might make a individual resort to such otherworldly claims that only card carrying tin foil hat wearing sympathizers would appreciate. 
Ufology has given us some truly fantastic and entertaining stories, thousands of photos and videos, many quotes (and misquotes) from various prominent people, stacks of documents released from national archives around the world, news reports and books on the subject. The mountain of ‘evidence’ grows ever higher. However, high as that pile now seems, no one has found a ‘smoking gun’ amongst it all as yet. 
But remember,..The next nearest star to Earth’s sun (Alpha Centauri) is about 4 light-years away. That might sound close, but it is actually something like 24 trillion miles away. Even traveling at one million miles an hour, it would take more than 2,500 years to get there. To get there in under thirty years would require traveling at more than 100 million miles an hour for the entire trip.* At 100,000,000 mph you could get to the center of our galaxy in 200,000 years; you could reach the edge of the universe in a mere 92 billion years. Our fastest spacecraft, Voyager, travels at about 40,000 miles an hour and would take 72,000 years to get to Alpha Centauri. 
The abduction phenomenon increased exponentially during the 70s/90s but seems to have disappeared as technology has caught up. You wont find any reports of a abduction since 2009. So maybe their vacation to Earth is over, or its harder to make a story like that believable in this day and age with everyone having a camera in their pockets. 
The era of ‘Classic’ UFO reports are long gone. There are very few significant UFO events from the 21st century worth serious investigation. Youtube videos of a light in the sky or CGI UFOs are aplenty. 
The internet has killed the UFO Magazine industry and is rapidly diminishing the book market too. Numbers at conferences are dwindling because there is little new to discuss or sell to an ageing conference audience. 
That all said the satellite and cable media seem to love UFOs . On TV there has been a glut of recent programming from various production companies. Although now there seems to be a blurred line between whether the modern UFO show is a serious documentary featuring real research or just entertainment with license to freely stretch the truth. 
Various talking heads all tend to tread this fuzzy, vague line whilst appearing on late night talk radio shows and TV shows like Hangar One. A show where entertainment is king and there is absolutely no critical or scientific analysis of the MUFON files or the ‘evidence’ presented in these shows. 
Before you start to send me countless links to YouTube videos and “UFO Researchers” (Also known as Frauds, Hoaxers, Book Whores, and unqualified idiots) articles and books I will tell you been there, done that and quit drinking the kool aid years ago. 
If you want to keep on believing in aliens visiting Earth and abducting everything from cows to humans that’s your prerogative, Good Luck! 
Thanks for taking the time out from your next UFO Sighting or Alien Abduction to read,….now tell me what you think! 
I’m ready to hear it from you galactic travelers, alien channelers and shape shifting reptilian overlords!
To read more, click here.

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