Friday, March 25, 2016

Alien Base Discovered in Argentina?

UFO and paranormal researchers have made a claim that they have discovered a sleeper cell of aliens called Pleiadians or Nordic aliens.

The definition of Pleiadians from - "The Pleiadians are extra-terrestrials whom originate from the planet Erra which orbits the star 10-Tauri (also known as Taygeta). Pleiadians are said to be refugees from the Lyran Wars."

Members of the community allegedly confessed to investigators that they were extraterrestrial beings from a distant star. They claimed that they were living on Earth as heralds of the “end of an evolutionary cycle,” a statement that could be interpreted from the perspective of Earthlings as a threat of impending invasion and takeover.

So, are aliens living among us?  Did the Native American come from Pleiades?  The most burning question is, are they here to take over our world?  Tell us what you think and read more here:

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